“…Go and Sin No More” – John 8:11
A lot of people are being caught these days. From politicians, to celebrities, to notable “men of the cloth”, some of the dirtiest, most perverted secrets are being brought into the light. The above referenced scripture is the response that Jesus had one day to a woman who had been “caught with her pants down”. More accurately, caught with her dress up! She was literally apprehended in the middle of an adulterous “moment”. Punishable in those days by death!
Suppose for a moment that the door of your life was suddenly thrown open and there you were – naked [or nekked as we say here in Texas], in a room full of exquisitely clothed spectators. Every wrinkle, every wart, every imperfection laid bare for the whole world to see. In spite of what Hollywood would lead us to believe, we all know that it would not be a pretty picture!
Now I’m not trying to be crude, cute or funny here, but the truth is, sin is a devastating, embarrassing reality that plagues us all (1 John 1:8). So my point today is three-fold.
Most of us are hiding something
Some are like the woman noted above. You are engaged in known, explicit and perverted acts of sin [Yes, even you Christians.], acts which likewise are punishable by death. Others are more sly and subtle. You look good on the outside. You go to church, pay your taxes and are nice to animals. Your “affair”, however, is on the inside! Your heart is in bed with the world and has left its “first love”, the husband of your youth – Jesus. Whether you have an “inside” sin or an “outside” sin, the results are the same – you have a stone cold, lifeless heart.
Don’t wait to get caught
The Bible says that “the sins of some men are quite evident, going before them to judgment; for others, their sins follow after” (1 Timothy 5:24), which is just another way of saying that some are “out there” with their sin while others are more discreet, yet subject to eventual disclosure. At some point, we are all going to be exposed, standing nekked before God. When Jesus comes, He “…will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men's hearts;…” (1 Corinthians 4:5) Our proper response is to “blow the whistle” now. Get it out in the open now. Come clean now! The Bible calls it confession – telling the truth, the whole truth so help you God. There’s so much to say here, but you are probably bored already.
Go and sin no more
Now when I hear that familiar phrase, my thought hearkens back to my childhood when I would get caught doing something that I shouldn't be doing and my parents would say something like “Now don’t you do it again!”, otherwise interpreted as “The next time, you’re gonna get it!”. But, that’s not what Jesus was saying when He uttered those words. In fact, the whole statement was “…Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.” You see, with genuine “truth-telling” about ourselves (confession) and repentance (a change of heart that results in a change of our actions) comes forgiveness, a total acquittal – and with forgiveness comes life and liberty instead of death and bondage.
Have you ever tried walking with your pants down? It’s not conducive to progress. Let’s get right and move on with God!
Brother Rick,
ReplyDeleteif i could only tell you how reading your articles confirms what God is saying in my sphere.Holiness,transperancy,confession,getting right with God now not later.
a major shift is taking place.The Church is getting ready to experience true trial and even persecution for the purposes of God.
All those who are NOT walking in the light are subject to fall away in the last days apostosy.
I have and have been having a realy urgent witness in my spirit,as have others I am close to,that the time is right now for the prophets to arise and begin to prepare the way of the Lords coming thru a message of repentance.that is a subject I know quite alot about.
I want to encourage you that you are saying things that are prophetically connected with what God is speaking in many many circles all around the nation.I have been called into a reagular ministry before the Lord of intercession for the bride ofChrist.There is an impending moment of truth coming for the Church,I believe.
I will share my dream with you.The part that concerns you,I do not understand but will share it hoping God brings something to you from it.
I will share the dream with you via email to your site.
Love and blessings
Keith Ingram